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We are offering these tips as aids to enhancing your interview experience and increasing your opportunity to secure the position you seek.  Always prepare properly before meeting with the prospective employer.  Follow these few simple techniques and win that job.

  1. Do your homework.  Research the company, the position, and the people you will be interviewing with.  There are many resources available to you.  The company website, search engines and social and business networking sites are just a few of the resources you can turn to.
  2. Once you have gathered your facts you can work on your presentation.  Consider questions and comments that are relevant and important to the company and the person you are interviewing with.  Review your work history and experience to highlight accomplishments that are valuable to your position and employer.
  3. Always be positive.  Avoid any negative comments regarding past employers.  Look for the positive experience you gained from those positions and companies and don’t be afraid to express that.
  4. Be flexible.  It is important to be well prepared but not over scripted.  Interviews can take many twists and turns.  Listen and pay attention to details, such as office environment, dress and general décor that may give you helpful hints for your presentation.  Adapt and be sensitive to your interviewers’ style.
  5. Always maintain eye contact with your interviewer.  Show them you want the position.  Be passionate.
  6. Be on time and dress conservatively.
  7. Send a thank you note.  It is easy to send an email, but a hand written note shows you took extra time and reinforces your interest in the job., Inc. © All Rights Reserved - 2010